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Effectively Communicating with Your Team

July 14, 2016
Leading a team can sometimes prove challenging and getting everyone on the same page is all about communication and how well you deliver the messa…

Quick Computer Hacks for Property Management Productivity

July 14, 2016
I love finding better, faster and smarter ways to do things, and recently I’ve realised that some of the better, faster and smarter ways are not s…

Here Comes Christmas

July 14, 2016
It’s November, so it must mean that Christmas is right on top of us and panic may start to set in. Rather than thinking of this time as a wind dow…

Why is Workplace Training Essestial?

July 14, 2016
Workplace training and development programs provide businesses with an excellent opportunity to expand the skill sets of all employees and increas…

Is Your Compliance Up to Code?

July 14, 2016
For Property Management teams, the landscape on compliance in no longer limited to the all important paperwork like agency and tenancy agreements,…

Are You Really Listening?

July 14, 2016
In the fast paced world that we are living in, great communication can sometimes be left on the sidelines as we are screaming through the day to d…

We Want to know the Top 5 Customer Service Skills we all need to work on?

July 14, 2016
As I consult and coach  in Real Estate businesses around the country I spend a good deal of time reviewing what some of the gaps are to achie…

12 Tips to Reduce Your Stress

July 14, 2016
The average Property Manager has 50-100 open tasks, issues, conversations on any one given week. They are interrupted approximately 7 times an hou…

Six Key Questions to ask your Home Connections Service Partner

July 14, 2016
Introduction Selecting a home connections partner for your business may seem like a straightforward choice – after all, commissions, process an…

The Art of Procrastination

July 14, 2016
Procrastination, the final frontier. It’s you, those never ending tasks, the sea of paperwork and that ever ticking clock. The concept of procrast…

Team Targets & Incentives

July 14, 2016
As a business leader, it is essential that individual staff KPIs are set and reviewed on a regular basis, to ensure that individual targets are ac…

When a Property Won’t Lease

July 14, 2016
Tearing out your hair with a property that won’t lease? Freaking out at the days on market creeping up? Having trouble convincing an owner to redu…
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