Try an Easter Detox
July 14, 2016
Ah the holidays, that time of year when craziness seems to set in. For most Property Management Teams and especially Leasing Teams, it will mean a…
Your Client Doesn’t Care About You
July 14, 2016
It might sound harsh, but we all know it’s kinda true. Despite any relationship and rapport built when it’s time to talk business, your client’s o…
Want to Know an Undervalued Component to Saving Time?
July 14, 2016
There are a tonne of hot quick time management tips I could write about here. Believe you me, I have found many a faster and easier ways to do thi…
Don’t Forget Your Swimming Pools
July 14, 2016
With the news this week reporting that in NSW the changes to swimming pool legislation and enforcement has been pushed back yet another 12 months,…
Leasing In the Tough Times
July 14, 2016
When was the last time that you took stock of what your leasing systems are like? Around the country, we are hearing reports of the markets becomi…
Are you Avoiding the Causes of Stress in Property Management?
July 14, 2016
What would happen if I asked yourself: “How are you doing today?”
I could guarantee that nine times out of ten, somewhere in the response …
Sharing The Love
July 14, 2016
As Valentine’s Day is upon us, we notice a change in the air. It brings out the romantics and suddenly the store shelves are filled with flowers a…
Little Surprises
July 14, 2016
An American Department Store Nordstrom in the US is certainly well known for little surprises. In fact they have been known to gift wrap ite…
The Great Generation Divide
July 14, 2016
Unlike ever before in history, we now have more generations working in the industry at the same time. We currently have four generations working t…
Do You Remember Being The Newbie?
July 14, 2016
This week I ran a training webinar for new starters to the Property Management industry giving them as many tips and secrets I could think of for …