Tired of Being a Broken Record
July 14, 2016
Many days we will feel like a broken record, repeating things that we need to explain to each tenant and landlord, with a growing frustration of s…
How do You Handle Your Tenant Enquires?
July 14, 2016
Recently I have been at various events or speaking with colleagues, friends and family and one topic that often comes up, as it does when you ment…
The Bot and The Human
July 14, 2016
It’s been a great week! So much has been jammed packed into the week, I cannot quite believe it has only consisted of 5 days, and well really as I…
Be Kind, Be Tough, Be Real
July 14, 2016
There are many reasons that I opened my own business, perhaps one of them being opportunity as opposed to any degree of well thought out 5 year pl…
Keep Communication Open With Your Team
July 14, 2016
Have you ever found that you have a clear idea in your head, but if you try to explain it to someone else you are sometimes met with a blank expre…
How Clean is Your House?
July 14, 2016
The end of the first quarter is upon us and now is as good a time as any to take stock of the health of your rent roll and ensure that every box i…
When you Lose a Landlord, Don’t Lose the Lesson
July 14, 2016
None of us want to receive that email or pick up the phone to hear the message that the landlord wants to leave. Whether it be to self manage, to …
Control Time Before It Controls You
July 14, 2016
This week has signalled the all too familiar posts and conversations of “how is it March already?” The end of the first quarter is looming in fron…
Help Investors Clients Claim Deductions Properly
July 14, 2016
Repairs and maintenance
Repairs relate to work completed to fix damage or deterioration of a property. Common examples of repairs include:
It’s Not What You Say It’s How You Say It
July 14, 2016
A message can be delivered in many ways, and it can also received and heard in an even broader variety of ways. Often we do not have control over …
The Nightmare of a Bad Tenant
July 14, 2016
We hear about it all the time, the horrors of poor tenants and the troubles Real Estate agents go through.
Where does it all start?
Sure – w…
When Was Your Last Survey?
July 14, 2016
When was it?
Can you remember the last time that you surveyed your clients?
Feedback is incredibly important in learning just how we are per…