Are You Afraid to Tell the Truth?
July 14, 2016
Sometimes we can be afraid to tell our landlords the whole honest truth during difficult situations like tough market, difficult tenants, damaged …
CO-Ownership Can Help Cut and Increase Deductions
July 14, 2016
As property prices continue to rise, many investors have considered the option to purchase an investment property with a friend, family member or …
How Much is Office Gossip Costing Your Business?
July 14, 2016
In any office setting we are familiar with the different personalities that arrive at the table and the one that can often cause some of the most …
Compliance, Think a Little Closer
July 14, 2016
As we rounded out the end of 2015 I took the opportunity to review our services, the needs of the industry and elements of the consumer world that…
Do We Rely too Much on Email?
July 14, 2016
Technology is a wonderful tool that has allowed us to become smarter about how we work and save us more time than ever before. No longer do we hav…
Want To Know 1 Sure Fire Way to Maximise Your New Business Success This Year?
July 14, 2016
We live in a world of instant gratification. In moments I can look anything up via the magic of google, I can order a product to be delivered to m…
What Would You Like to Start, Stop and Continue in 2016?
July 14, 2016
Welcome to a brand new year and all of the good intentions that it brings! There’s something about the mindset of a New Year ringing in. The smell…
15 Lessons I’ve Learnt This Year
July 14, 2016
Instead of the usual goal setting blog I’d usually write for the year ahead, I thought I would ponder on the lessons I’ve learned this year.
What are your Property Management Squad Goals?
July 14, 2016
As we are rapidly screaming toward the finish line of 2015, it can be all too easy to start to sit back on our laurels and enjoy the festive cheer…
Are Your Tenants Who They Say They Are?
July 14, 2016
We’ve all heard or experienced the horror stories, tenants starting their own DIY drug labs, visa holders skipping town two months into a one year…
How to make sure Tenants Don’t Over Indulge and Underpay Rent This Christmas!
July 14, 2016
Christmas should be a fun time, and it is no fun suffering the stress and worry that comes with mounting arrears over the Christmas period.
Could your Client be Smiling Too?
July 14, 2016
Imagine how one of your investor clients would react if you could tell them how to receive $3,536 in extra cash flow with little to no effort. Wit…