What Outcome Do You Have In Mind?
In property management, some conversations are tough to have. Sometimes we have to be the bearer of bad news and it’s never easy delivering bad news, even to the most reasonable clients. When you become aware of an unpleasant or tough conversation you must have with someone, it’s common to start to think a list of things you DON’T want to happen.
Thoughts such as “I don’t want them to get emotional or angry”, “I hope that don’t personally attack me” or “I don’t want them to make a complaint about me”.
However, rather than focusing on what you don’t want to happen, it’s much more effective to focus on what you DO want the outcome of the conversation to be. In property management, it’s important to go into every conversation with an outcome in mind.
Outcome based conversations are essential for everyone in your office; property managers, leasing consultants, new business managers and your support team. They are also important when having conversations internally within your team.
When you are uncertain or worry about what you don’t want to happen, there is a chance you end up giving the other person all the power. Being clear of your preferred outcome will ensure you stay in control of the situation, establish your level of expertise and demonstrate assertiveness.