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What Does Your Induction Look Like?

When we talk about the induction process in offices, many automatically refer to their induction of team members. However, inductions that are equally, if not more so important are those that refer to your Owners, Tenants and even the tradespeople that you have working for you.

So to pose a question, what does your Owner, Tenant and tradesperson induction look like in your office? Is it a process that is detailed and informative or is it something that is sped through, like a 10-minute lease signing that glosses over the details?

Having a detailed induction in place in your office for your Owners, Tenants and tradespeople can assist with ensuring that the expectations of your agency are explained and can minimise the potential for conflict during your relationship.

In our travels, we often see many forms of inductions, from a video induction that is sent out to a brand new landlord for them to watch which explains all of the frequently asked questions that may arise, to a video tenant induction which is either sent to the tenants before the lease signing appointment or given to them to watch during the appointment.

These videos are not lengthy and contain all of the key points that the agency needs to communicate across to the other party and begin the relationship on the right foot.

We have also seen agencies who provide a detailed handbook for Owners, Tenants and Trades or even a fact sheet provided outlining the key points and address the questions asked.

For your tradespeople it is important to have an induction and even have them sign off on a contractor agreement that outlines the expectations that you have when employing them including completion of the works, submission of invoices and the requirement for correct licences and insurances.

Lastly, there are the situations where no inductions take place and we sometimes find that where inductions do not take place and there is a lack of communication from the Property Management team on expectations, that there will be a higher number of complaints and the team will often experience much higher levels of conflict and stress as a result.

Implementing a system where there is a detailed induction at the beginning of the relationship can assist to give you more time, reduce stress levels, increase your productivity and improve your relationships with your Owners, Tenants and Tradespeople.

Try it, your future self might just thank you for it!

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