What Are Your 2017 Goals?
Well, we are back and ready to race! Welcome to 2017, a new year which often comes with new goals that we set for ourselves both personally and for the business. By this point, I would hope that you have some goals written down or at the very least, thought about what you would like to achieve this year.
When setting up your goals for the year, don’t forget to think about the S.M.A.R.T.E.R principle.
- Be Specific with the goals you are setting
- Ensure they are Measurable These may be against your KPI’s set out.
- Make them Achievable It’s great to reach for that space between the stars, however it is more rewarding to put in some smaller stepping stones to help get you there.
- Ensure they are Relevant to you and the business that you are working in and the shared goals and values of the team
- Put a Time deadline on them so that they don’t become forgotten or pushed aside as a lesser priority
- Recognise the Energy that is required to achieve your goals
- Evaluate the Risk that may be associated with not achieving your goals during the time frame set.
Once you have set those goals, take a look at the resources around you. Some areas that you might like to look at would include:
- Systems – are they up to the challenge to help you achieve your goals? If not, what needs to happen to ensure that they are ship shape?
- Technology – there is a myriad of technology at our fingertips. Is the technology in your office working for you or is there something out there that may help to achieve less stress and give you back more time.
- Training – maybe you would like to step up the training for your team for the year. It’s a good time to set out the training calendar for the year and find a solution that works for you and/or your team.
- Growth – do you want to grow this year? Silly question I know, but what steps do you need to put in place to achieve real growth.
- Reporting – are your team reporting on all areas that they need to so that the department is ticking along efficiently and profitably?
If you are a little stuck with where to start, the team at Real+ can help with coaching, consulting and are here to kickstart you into 2017. Click here and we can help you get started.
Have a great year!