Are your connections meaningful?
If you were to jump into the shoes of your clients today, what service levels would you expect?
With your current office functions, would those service levels be met? Are phone calls made to your clients, especially in times where the situation may be a little more challenging?
Due to the effects of globalisation we often forget the importance of human contact in our interactions with each other. We are so glued to our devices and as such have become, in many cases, conditioned to be at the beck and call of these devices.
In our interactions with many Property Management Teams, we find that there is a reliance on emails and sms to communicate, which can result in the disappearance of time into the black hole of the phenomenon of email perdition.
Consider your current process of communication.
Is it common place to customise the experience to each client? Ask the question, ‘what is their preferred method of communication‘ and note this on their file. As the environment evolves, to expect higher fee from clients we need to provide a higher level of customer service and communication to meet those expectations.
In this digital age it is also imperative to pause, evaluate our surroundings, make a human connection and at times adopt some of the ways of days gone by.