Are you chasing butterflies?
Have a think about your style of work and how it effects both you and others around you. Would you say you’re focused and driven? Or do you chase butterflies, which can distract you and those around you from carrying out tasks?
Procrastination is that wonderful thing that can cause us to lose track of precious hours. We can all be guilty of this. It can often occur when we are distracted, our brains are overwhelmed or when we would rather avoid an awkward situation.
If you find that your brain space strays to thoughts like, “I can always do it tomorrow (or next week, next month, next year)”, “the deadline is kind of flexible,” “I’ll do it soon,” or “the due date isn’t for ages…”, then it may be a sign that you are also falling into the procrastination void.
In avoiding getting bogged down with procrastination, implementing methods like tracking your activity can help with understanding where you time goes.
Finding some quiet space or blocking out time can help to get on top of things or even taking a ten-minute break, getting some fresh air and then refocusing can help avoid those butterflies.
When working with a team, it is also important to keep in mind that not everyone will work in the same way you will.
As humans we are wired differently and don’t always march to the beat of the same drum, which can also mean that we need to be respectful of both our time and the time of others in the office, especially if we are the Head Butterfly Catcher.