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What would you like to be?

Apr 8, 2019

A property manager or an account manager – does the skill set of a property manager naturally equate to those of an account manager? What are the differences and how do I become the best version of either to maintain my role and add value? 

There’s a lot of talk in the industry about disruption, evolution and a general feel that we ‘need to change’. One thing we can be sure of is that nobody has a definitive answer and when we think of the characteristics we need to evolve, it can be a little overwhelming.

Really, we just need to get back to basics, build relationships, value interactions and make sure we are providing extraordinary customer service. Review the data that is available to you to make you look super intelligent, super quick!

Identify your key relationships – the owner, the tenant, your regular tradespeople, your suppliers – this is account management, and will ensure you are focusing on dollar productive activity whilst being supported operationally by the wider community.

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