Shift gears as the end of year looms
In a society where consistent connection into the matrix has become the new normal, it’s easy to fall into the hole of overwhelm.
As we head into end-of-year, and the finish line looms, it is wise to shift gears to ensure we reach the end unscathed. It’s imperative in this environment to take a step back and survey the landscape in front of you, reset and re-plan how to tackle your day, week and month ahead in order to maintain control.
It is Property Management and, as in life, there will be elements outside your control. We need to control what we can and accept those things that we cannot.
If you need a break before the silly season kicks in, take a day or two and really find the headspace to switch off and reconnect with real life humans, outside that virtual world or disconnect for a day and block out the white noise to allow rest and recovery so that you can power in to that finish line.