Property Safety
As the course of Property Management moves forward, legislation and compliance around Property Safety are constantly moving targets. It is essential to ensure that our teams are aware of the risk factors and requirements involved with managing Property Safety to protect the wellbeing of our Owners, Tenants and Team Members, and anyone visiting the property under management.
As Property Managers, investigating potential areas of property safety risk and trusting our gut instinct are important in ensuring that we can provide service to our Owners to protect their investment as well as to any occupants of the property.
Some key areas like smoke alarms, electrical safety switches, swimming pools, gas meters, and carbon monoxide alarms should have annual plans in place to ensure that they are compliant with the requirements under legislation and providing a safety element to the tenants and property.
Preventative maintenance on areas like gutters and rooves, mould, windows, locks, balconies and stairs, plumbing, and electrical will also assist in providing a safe living environment for the tenant and maintain the Owners investment.
Many fact sheets can be provided to point you in the right direction and help to advise your Owners and Tenants of their obligations. If you aren’t sure or have any questions, call us, and we are happy to help.
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