Onboarding New Clients – Starting out the Landlord relationship can make your life easier or harder

5 Easy elements to make a client feel special
When a new client comes to you, they want to ensure they are being looked after. If they don’t feel as though they are an important client this won’t happen, so ensuring your clients feel important is vital in Property Management for long term clients. Let’s look at several ways we can make our clients feel important.
1. Give them what they want!
What do they want? It’s natural everyone landlord will want to make as much income as possible from their investment. Do we always understand what the client’s expectation of the income level is? If the rent achieve isn’t at their expectation, are you able to show them this is the best result possible in the current market, and emphasise the potential loss of income from prolonged vacancy and make them feel good about the decision they have made in this process?
2. What does good service mean to them?
Do we always understand what they expect good service looks like? Do they prefer phone calls, text messages, emails, voicemails? If the agent signing up the client has done a great job of getting this information, how is it being passed onto the next person in the business, and the person after that?
3. Listen to them
When they are talking to you, really listen. Make eye contact, close your mouth, and focus on the words they are saying, not on what you want to say the moment they stop talking. As the saying goes; “two ears, one mouth.”
4. Use their name
If you have a client and your communication to them doesn’t start with their name, it shows you aren’t going to the effort to use their name. To some this won’t matter, but to others this will add to minor grips which make someone else less important.
5. Follow up
If you don’t have a follow up touch point at some stage of your process, you run the risk of a client feeling passed over and forgotten about. You very well may have processes and systems in place to nurture the client after you have stepped out of the picture, but a follow-up touch point will always help to make a client feel special regardless if everything is working, or something is falling short of expectations.
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