Find Zen this year

One of the more alarming trends we saw at the end of last year was the number of teams who were in overwhelm. Sure, the end of the year brings with it the silly season, but as markets continue to shift and stress levels are rising, pressures are added to the load for many Property Management teams.
It is imperative in this environment to find time to take a step back and survey the landscape in front of you, reset and re-plan how to tackle your day, week and month ahead so that you can maintain control. Find a sort of zen in your day.
It is Property Management and, as in life, there will be elements outside your control. We need to control what we can and accept those things that we cannot.
This month one of our virtual classrooms will explore techniques to minimise those pressure points in both work and personal and remind us of the need to ‘unplug’ once in a while.
So jump on over and register to join us.
See you online!