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Do You Recognise Your Own Wins?

As employees and employers, we all understand that reward and recognition play key roles in our businesses.

Do you take the time to recognise yourself and reflect on your own success?

As a culture, Australians tend to be very hard on themselves. We tend to aim high and often batter ourselves with tough internal self-talk, without taking time to reflect on all that we have achieved.

As we lead into the end of 2017, many of us will be reassessing our goals and aspirations, both within our businesses and personally. As the year ends, I challenge you to make your own achievements list.

Grab a pen paper and write it down.

Your Achievements List

There are endless possibilities as to what may be included.

Personally it could have been any number of milestones – taking up a new hobby, spending more time with the kids, taking a holiday. It could be that you saved more, spent more, enjoyed life a little more. Or when it came to ticking a big life goal off your list – wedding, baby, property purchase – perhaps 2017 was your year?

Professionally, think about your team & your PM department. What were the big goals achieved? What were the milestones reached and what did you individually really nail this year, not matter how big or small?

The longer the list you can make, the better able you are to understand and recognise how the hard work has paid off. It could be that:

  • your average rent and fees increased
  • your arrears are now consistently lower
  • you had your best listing month ever
  • or that you simply feel like you enjoy what you do.

Take that list and put it somewhere where it is easily accessible. Add to it often and review it when you have a tough week. It is a wonderful place to start once it comes time to set new goals and challenges for the year ahead.

From the team at Real+ “High Five!” on your achievements list. And be sure you regularly give yourself some internal high fives!

We’d love to hear about your achievements – send us your comments below.

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