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Attracting and Retaining your Team Talent

Jan 13, 2021

As the landscape continues to shift in the workplace, it’s important that we constantly review our approach to staff attraction and retention. As the needs of the client and the working environment change, so do the expectations of the employee out there in the market looking to work.

While it can seem like what the employer and employee want are poles apart, in reality everyone wants to work in an environment that inspires, challenges and motivates them to be better than they thought ever possible.

Some of the key areas to consider when attracting and retaining the right people are elements such as:

  • An enriching and rewarding culture that promotes collaboration and the opportunity for growth,
  • Ensuring that right people are in the right roles. Not trying to fit round pegs in square holes will help with overall engagement and retention,
  • Providing challenges that promote personal growth and rewards and support through those challenges,
  •  Consistency in the communication and expectations from leadership
  • Regular training, support, and opportunities for career progression

If you would like some help in where to get started on building a framework for the humans in your organisation, contact us over at Real+ HQ and we can begin.


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