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Are you tracking client engagement?

Sep 27, 2019

In a world where everything is tracked, from our time of phone calls, to spending habits and even the number of steps that we may take in a day to monitor our fitness levels; there is a myriad of information recorded daily that contributes to our digital scores.

Many companies that you currently interact with both on a business and personal level are right now allocating you a score based on your Customer Lifetime Value and are tracking your activity and rewarding you in line with this activity.

If you were to think about the tracking of your customers within your business, are you tracking their engagement with your business and potentially rewarding them for their loyalty?

Some of the areas that you might like to begin to analyse are around the areas of communication and customising the client experience. The right type of communication is the most important tool in building loyalty to your business. Delivering on your promises and transparency are key is developing trust in your brand as well as serviced tailored to the needs of the customer.

Ask the client what they want in a Property Management company, with questions such as; how often they would like to be paid, how they would like to be communicated with and even how they would like to be notified and budgets around repairs and maintenance. Work with them through their investment journey and build a partnership that in turn leads to loyalty.

Find out what makes your clients choose you and are there strategies in place to ensure that should they exit, there is a path for re-engagement at some point in the future to build in a long-term strategy for retention.

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